How To: Add a Theme Enhance Section to a Specific Product

Completion time: less than 5 minutes

Difficulty level: easy

Coding required: none - if theme 2.0 compatible

Theme Requirements: Online Store 2.0 required


Adding a section to a specific product requires that your theme is Shopify Online Store 2.0 compatible

These docs use Shopify's Dawn theme as the starting point. As of publishing, all new themes on the Shopify theme store are Online Store 2.0 compatible

If you need assistance upgrading your theme to Online Store 2.0 please contact:

  1. Create a new product page template to assign the new Theme Enhance sections to

    1. Navigate to the Theme Editor in the theme that you added the Theme Enhance section to

      Screen cap of selecting code
    2. From within the Shopify Theme Editor, create a new product template. You can title the template anything you like.

      Your theme must be Shopify Online Store 2.0 compatible for this step to work. Please see: How to upgrade a product page template to Shopfiy Online Store 2.0 or contact for guidance on Online Store 2.0 upgrades

      Screen cap of selecting code
  2. Assign the product(s) to the template

    1. From within the Shopify admin, navigate to the product you would like to display the Theme Enhance section on.

      Assign the product to the new product template. Repeat this step for all products that you would like to have this section displayed on.

      Screen cap of selecting code
  3. Merchandise the Theme Enhance section in the Shopify theme editor

    1. Navigate to the Theme Editor in the theme that you added the Theme Enhance section to and click 'Customize'

      Screen cap of selecting code
    2. From the Shopify theme editor, navigate to the newly added page template. Add a Theme Enhance section to the product template that we created in the steps above.

      This step assumes that you have installed the appropriate Theme Enhance sections on your theme prior to adding a section to any page. If you are unsure if you have completed this step, please see: How to add a Theme Enhance section to my theme

      Screen cap of selecting code
    3. You can now view your changes on for the product you have assigned to the template created above. Multiple products can be assigned to the same template, however, they will all share the same data.

      This means you will need to create a copy of this template for each product that needs per-product specific product section content.

Issues viewing your Theme Enhance sections on your products/template?

If you are working on a preview theme and you are having issues viewing your template or your sections being visible on your product, Shopify requires that for preview themes to have access to a template, that the live theme MUST have that template as well. If you are having issues previewing a new template on a preview theme, simply follow this step on your live theme (make a backup first) and then your preview theme will work.

If you need assistance configuring metafields or product specific sections on your theme please contact:

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