How To: Design & add a custom page with Theme Enhance sections

Completion time: less than 5 minutes

Difficulty level: easy

Coding required: none

  1. Create a new page template to assign the new Theme Enhance sections to

    1. Prior to installing any page, ensure all required Theme Enhance sections are installed in your theme. For more on installing Theme Enhance sections

    2. In the Shopify admin, select the theme you installed the Theme Enhance section on and click 'Customize'

      Screen cap of selecting code
    3. Add a new page template file for the Theme Enhance sections to live in. In the create a new template box, select the type of template, for our purposes we need to select page as the type. You may call the page template anything you like - we suggest you make it unique to that page content.

      Screen cap of selecting code
    4. Click save. Exit the theme editor

  2. Assign the new page to the new template

    1. In the Shopify Admin, create a new page. Assign the new page to the new template you created. You can title the page anything you like, the page template title and the page title have nothing to do with each other. In Shopify, each custom page needs its own template.

      Screen cap of selecting code
  3. Merchandise the Theme Enhance section in the Shopify theme editor

    1. Merchandise the page template in the Shopify theme editor. Note: we are editing the page template and not the page. In Shopify, page templates can be assigned to multiple pages. This can result in confusion if you edit the page directly and assign the page template to multiple pages.

      Screen cap of selecting code
    2. You can now view your custom page.

Issues viewing your page/page template?

If you are working on a preview theme and you are having issues viewing your page, please see: How Shopify page templates work

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